Version Control System

Our powerful built-in version control system is designed for large project teams. Benefit from effortless parallel development without blocking each other.
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Version History
Know who changed what and when. Complete information about the project history since its creation, including all user-created version branches and all commits.
Parallel Development with Branching
Create unlimited number of project version branches to work on different features or try new logic simultaneously. Delete or merge branches as needed.
Commiting Changes
Commit your changes to any branch and validate before merging them into the master project version.
Merging Parallel Changes
Visually compare your commited changes to and merge them with other commits from any version branch.
Conflict Resolution
In case of change conflicts easily compare and pick which version of changes should be applied to the master project version.
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Tracking Uncommitted Changes
Easily locate and review all your uncommitted changes. Reverse them without committing if needed.