How to create a simple flow

During this video, we will look at our recommendations for creating a simple flow and will show how to use local variables. As an example, we will show a step-by-step from the very beginning the whole process.

How to use the iterator

An iterator is a tool that allows you to work with loops. In this video, we will look at our suggestions for using it in flow.

How to handle arrays

During this video, we will look at our suggestions for handling arrays. As an example, let’s look at a step-by-step on how to handle it.

How to create a DB connector and use it

A DB connector is an internal system component that provides a codeless connection to external databases to get data. The builder connector allows the user to create new connections for further use in flows. During this video, we will look at our recommendations for using a DB connector. As an example, let’s show a step-by-step on how to return an object from the database by its ID.

How to work with the REST connector

The REST connector is an internal system component that provides a codeless connection to any external systems and services for data exchange. Building a connector allows the user to create new connections for further use in flows. During this video, we will look at our suggestions for using a REST connector. As an example, we’ll show a step-by-step on how to get an exchange rate using REST Open API.

How to use the SOAP connector

The SOAP connector is an internal system component that provides a codeless connection to any external systems and services for data exchange. The builder connector allows the user to create new connections for further use in flows. During this video, we will look at our recommendations for using a SOAP connector. As an example, we’ll show a step-by-step on how to get a country phone code by ISO code using SOAP Open API.

How to use a map

During this video, we will look at our suggestions for using a map. As an example, let’s show step by step how to use map.

How to use a subflow

During this video, we will look at our suggestions for using a subflow. As an example, let’s show step by step how to use subflow.

How to debug a simple flow

Debug makes step-by-step project execution. During this video, we will look at our recommendations for using a debug. As an example, let’s look at a step-by-step how to create a flow that will calculate and print net salary.

How to work with version control

Version Control is a system that tracks and manages changes in the project. Version Control makes working on a project more efficient and helps to achieve the set goals in a shorter time frame, and the process of monitoring and managing the project is also more productive. Several team members can work on a project simultaneously, review committed from each other code, and merge it. In this video, we will demonstrate how to work with the version control panel.

How to resolve conflicts

Conflict Resolver is a component that helps to resolve merge conflicts that arise when several users edit the same parameters in an entity. A merge conflict is an event that occurs when the Application is unable to resolve differences in code between two commits automatically. In this video, we will look at an example of how the conflict resolver component works.

How to create an organization and start to work

Through the administrative application, the user can create their organization, in which they can manage their resources — both provided by the subscription plan and additional resources, and manage the access rights of the members of the organization’s team. In the video, we will look at an example of how to create an organization, subscribe and start work on a project.

How to work with local history

Local history helps keeping track of all uncommitted changes made to a project locally, unlike version control, that keeps track of differences between different commits. Local history allows you to revert to the previous state of the project or reset all changes since the last commit.In the video, we will look at an example of how to create an organization, subscribe and start work on a project.